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The hits to Vegas keep coming and this one hurts. Hub Arkush, Executive Editor Pro Football Weekly, is reporting that the draft is postponed till at least May & Vegas has been canceled (UPDATE: refuted by @VinnyBonsignore)

FINGERS CROSSED: This rumor is being refuted by Vinny Bonsignore, so hopefully, it’s just that… a false rumor.

In the grand scheme of things, this is not unexpected but still hurts. This was to be the opening act for the NFL in Vegas, but now we will have to wait till opening Sunday, whenever that turns out to be.

Not only will Raider Nation not be able to descend on Vegas and break it in, but postponing the draft also means we won’t have a clear picture of the roster until much later in the year. All this bad news is in the shadow of a bitter CBA negotiation that sits over the sport like a dark cloud.

And to add insult to injury… There are no other sports to take our minds off this madness. It’s going to be a long summer.


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